Saturday, July 26, 2014

Cooler Highlands of Sri Lanka

Reminds of country around the Tweed border and Chillingham 

Tea pickers

Tea Estate

Off to work we go

Vegies for sale

Factory where tea leaves are processed

Buy your tea here - as  I  did.

Doesn't matter how steep it is.

This old engine used to run the factory

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Girls swim time Sunday afternoon.

Floaties are in high demand.

Fun time for the girls.

No bikinis allowed here and no one owns bathers so we just wear our clothes.

We love the pool!

Now it's the boys turn.

Equally as noisy as the girls.

I was happy to jump in and help give a few swim lessons.

Work Details on Campus

 Painting New Chairs and desks for classrooms

 Second batch of 30 - now all classrooms are catered for so kids don't need to carry chairs from room to room.

Drying in the sun.

Shade house inspector and workers

Stephanie queen of this corner of the campus & boss of the shade house.

Stanley and Tracy checking out the strawberry plants. She has headed back to Alabama after 3 months teaching & hopes to return for 6 mths in Janary.

Joseph, Rebecca- one of my grade 10 students- and Tracy

 Work in progress extending premises for cows and calves.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

DELFT Island

Ferry to Delft Island 

Entertainment on the water

Old Dutch Fort 

Pigeon Post House